Tacloban City – Criminal elements must be laughing at policemen rendering patrol duties without service firearms. It’s not surprising that crime against property in the city is on the rise.
Supposing a robbery holdup takes place in their area of responsibility what do you think will be the reaction of these policemen? Run, hide or take cover and do nothing or maybe ask security guards in the area with issued firearms to respond to the situation?
These policemen, though they are trained to protect and serve our communities are not stupid to run against armed criminal elements with their “batuta” and “serbato” unless of course they have suicidal tendencies. Is this the product of PNP modernization and transformation?
police officer at the corner of P. Burgos and Salazar Street. www.isumat.compolice officer at the corner of P. Burgos and Salazar Street. www.isumat.com
Terrorist Organizations and organized crime groups are better off than our own Police Force.
They make sure that when they dispatch their new recruits they see to it that they are provided with firearms even more powerful than that of our law enforcers.
How about entertaining the idea of just hiring security guards to man our streets rather than regular policemen? The government can save a lot of money if this will be considered as a solution to the issue.
The PNP will no longer provide for their uniform and service firearms. All they have to do is to hire the services of a security agency, pay them on time and in accordance with the minimum wage and applicable labor regulations.
This predicament is a product of stupid, incompetent and corrupt PNP leadership.
Where can you find a police organization who continuously hires new police officers without providing the new recruits with service firearms?
Is it not supposed to be included in the budget every time there’s a hiring for new police officers?
It seems that our senior police officials are more concern on the weekly payolas from illegal activities such as gambling and illegal drugs and other money making activities rather than making it sure that communities are protected from criminal elements.
police officer assigned at the port area. www.isumat.compolice officer assigned at the port area. www.isumat.com
Granting that this is not within the power of the PNP regional officers to address the issue, then what is General Henry Losanes the PNP regional director is doing about the matter?
How about the City Director of Tacloban Sr. Supt. Domingo Cabillan who is supposed to make representations for and on behalf of his command?