The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) was recognized by the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) as one of the government agencies that is compliant to the CHR requirement on the monthly submission of the list of Agency detainees.
PDEA was also acknowledged for its practice of consolidating the reports of its Regional Offices.
PDEA Director General Undersecretary Arturo G. Cacdac, Jr. said that on August 8, 2014, PDEA officers attended a round table discussion at the CHR, Commonwealth Avenue, UP Complex, Diliman, Quezon City which was participated in by government agencies that maintain detention facilities.
Discussed during the meeting were the comments and inputs on the draft forms from all concerned government agencies required for submission by the CHR with regard to the implementation of Section 11 of Republic Act 10353, otherwise known as An Act Defining and Penalizing Enforced or Involuntary Disappearance.
Republic Act. 10353, SEC.11. Submission of List of Government Detention Facilities – states that within six months from the effectivity of this Act and as may be requested by the CHR, all government agencies concerned shall submit an updated inventory or list of all officially recognized and controlled detention or confinement facilities, and the list of detainees or persons deprived of liberty under their respective jurisdictions.
Pursuant to Section 11 the following additional forms must be submitted to the CHR every month by all concerned government agencies:
a. Form A – List of Detention Facilities
b. Form B – List of Detainees
c. Form C – Medical Log Before Confinement
d. Form D – Medical Log After Each Interrogation/ Custodial Investigation
e. Form E – Medical Log on the Day of Release
f. Form F – Inmate Movement/ Transfer
g. Form G – Visitor’s Log
h. Form H – Death Log
“PDEA has accomplished all these requirements set forth by the CHR and will continue to safeguard and value the dignity of every human person. PDEA guarantees the public the full respect for human rights and apply the effective protection of the law as the lead organization in the national anti-drug campaign,” Cacdac said.
(PR 361/14)