CATBALOGAN CITY, Samar, (PIA) –As a strategy to collect more real property taxes, Calbayog City innovates to allow school children to serve their parents, property tax demand letters.
This was the suggestion of Mayor Reynaldo Aquino during the real property tax campaign in Calbayog City as it gathers more funds for the local school board in support to the senior high program.
Aquino said that school children can be passionate advocates if given the opportunity.
The city, he said is confident that it can collect more taxes this year as businesses have been established in the city, yet they will be needing everyone’s help to reach the target collection.
According to the RPT Code, an additional one percent tax on real property goes to the Special Education Fund.
Others suggested that students be also given lessons on RPT for them to prompt their parents to do their patriotic duty of paying taxes. Still others suggested that a subject on taxation be part of the curriculum.
As Aquino urged the 400 or so gathered in the Calbayog Convention Center for the purpose, he gave them some ‘thought’.
“We will invest in the education of our children; we will invest in the future of Calbayog City.” (nbq/PIA)